Kung Fu Panda – Opening Title Sequence

Kung Fu Panda – Opening Title Sequence

Limited Animation Brief


This university project centred around the medium of limited animation. The task was to select a movie and create an opening title sequence. Important to this project was research into appropriate animation style, colour, music, themes, imagery and storyboarding.

Music: Oogway Ascends, Kung Fu Fighting (Celebration Time)

Disclaimer: Kunfu Panda is the intellectual property of DreamWorks Animation.

Kung Fu Panda Opening Title Sequence


Based on the the first “Kung Fu Panda” Movie, it was important to convey a sense that the main character Po, played by Jack Black, is going on a journey of personal growth. The plot is full of light hearted comedy, but also tackles themes of self doubt, body image and prophecy. I made sure that when Po is introduced, he was introduced in a less than flattering way – struggling to make his way up stairs. This is appropriate due to the hilariously awkward situations he typically finds himself in.

The limited animation starts and ends with a nod to Master Oogway, who unlike Po’s master (Master Shifu), Oogway is always a welcoming and wise presence. Starting softly, the animation grows in energy as the music and movements speed up. It was important to introduce the villain, Tai Lung, in order to convey that there is a sense of jeopardy and tension that needs to be resolved.

Poster that Directed Art Style for Sequence


Inspired by Chinese puppetry, especially shadow puppets, I made use of recognisable silhouettes and a mixture of both smooth and staccato movements. The sharp staccato movements are most evident in Po’s punches, the fast motion of which is reminiscent of the ferocity and speed utilised in many Kung Fu fighting styles. Rather than having a lot of detail, I focused on conveying the story through a minimalistic approach. Avoiding obvious cuts, the sequence transitions its way through the sequence – flowing from credit to credit.


In watching the directors commentary of the movie, it was made clear that the colours had strong significance. Generally, Yellow, blue, green, grey, black and white all had positive connotations in Ancient China. In the commentary, it was noted that a dark grey/blue was used in the villain’s scenes. The black and white of Po is very symbolic, which is a reference to Yin and Yang (duality). I chose not to limit colour because not only is the movie very colourful, but colour is also very prominant in Chinese culture historically.


The sequence opens with “Oogway Ascends,” a slow and beautiful piece that immediately feels spiritual and Chinese inspired. This then transitions into “Kung Fu Fighting (Celebration Time)” which perfectly encompasses the fun, action and sense of humour that DreamWorks treat us to in “Kung Fu Panda.”

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