
E-Mediavision Company Rebrand 2021 This project was part of an ongoing partnership between Global Initiatives & Solutions and E-Mediavision. Ultimately due to some circumstances, this task was shelved. Despite this, it was an enjoyable challenge regardless. My task was to give E-Mediavison a face lift, focussing on designing a new logo and a logo forContinue reading “E-Mediavision”

Global Initiatives & Solutions

Global Initiatives & Solutions Brand Development for GIS, a think tank. 2021 / 2022 GIS is a business think tank that focuses on business solutions. GIS’ actions are focussed around a “four corners” methodology: Technology, environment, economy, and wellbeing. My role involved rebranding the company, updating the company’s voice, sound, visuals etc. I aimed toContinue reading “Global Initiatives & Solutions”

Disclosure – Stories of 1902

Disclosure – Stories of 1902 Luxury Broadsheet Newspaper Brief 2020 This project entailed being assigned a year and thoroughly researching the events, products and people of that year. This information was then used to produce three pages of a quality broadsheet. Thoughts 1902 was a very interesting year to research into, full of inventions, discoveries,Continue reading “Disclosure – Stories of 1902”

Kung Fu Panda – Opening Title Sequence

Kung Fu Panda – Opening Title Sequence Limited Animation Brief 2020 This university project centred around the medium of limited animation. The task was to select a movie and create an opening title sequence. Important to this project was research into appropriate animation style, colour, music, themes, imagery and storyboarding. Music: Oogway Ascends, Kung FuContinue reading “Kung Fu Panda – Opening Title Sequence”

Deus Ex Machina – The Fashion of the Future

Deus ex Machina – The Fashion of the Future RSA Brief – “For The Long Run” 2021 The task laid out by the brief was to form an idea that centred around long term thinking and change for the better; the point being that it is all to easy to be stuck in a short term mindset and loseContinue reading “Deus Ex Machina – The Fashion of the Future”

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